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Strengthening Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality-of-Life

What Micah’s Done

Micah played a central role in writing sweeping new gun safety laws for New York, including raising the age and requiring a license to purchase a semiautomatic rifle; strengthening background checks and requiring them for the purchase of ammunition; requiring guns to be equipped with microstamping technology in order to help law enforcement connect shell casings found at crime scenes to the sellers and purchasers of guns; expanding Red Flag laws; and banning the sale of body armor often used in mass shootings. Micah also worked with Governor Hochul to expand the State’s hate crimes law and helped increase funding for both law enforcement and violence prevention programs.


What Micah Will Do

Micah will pursue a multi-pronged approach to ensure that every New Yorker feels safe in their neighborhood and getting around the city:

• Invest in mental health care and social services — including inpatient psychiatric beds, supportive housing, and case management — to get people the help they need

 • Work closely with the NYPD and the District Attorney to address neighborhood safety concerns

• Advance a stronger government response to illegal weed shops and long-term scaffolding and sidewalk sheds

• Push for traffic law enforcement for e-bikes, while also holding delivery apps accountable for conditions that encourage reckless driving

• Expand support for proven methods of gun violence interruption and enact a tax on ammunition sales

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